Ontario Online Business Law Service

Set up a new corporation in minutes.

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Law Society of Ontario

How it works

Start Your Corporation

Start Now

Maintain Your Corporation


The Incorporight Platform

Helping you stay on top of legal requirements so you can get back to business.

The Dashboard

All your company’s key information in one accessible place.

  • Instantly view the current directors, officers, and shareholders of your company and other important details.

  • Easily keep track of your corporation’s ownership structure with the Shareholder’s Chart.

The Signing Room

Easily and securely sign legal documents.

  • Get updates on what documents have outstanding signature requirements.

  • Easily send reminders to others to sign outstanding documents.

Digital Minute Book

A convenient and secure home for your corporation’s records.

  • Easily navigate to various corporate records.
  • Access your Digital Minute Book anytime from anywhere.
  • Flip through pages like an e-book.

The Activity Log

Log of all company activity, securely stored on the blockchain.

  • Every company change and document signature is logged here with a unique transaction ID.

  • An immutable and definitive list of company transactions, that prevents corporate identity fraud and unauthorized activity.

The Incorporight Difference


Access your Corporate Profile 24 hours a day and make changes instantly.


Distributed Ledger Technology keeps your corporation secure by preventing fraud and unauthorized activity.


Support is available 24/7 from our dedicated business law expert, Artifical Tyler


Start a corporation for under $500 including government fees.


Receive your corporation documents in one business day.


All documents are signed and stored electronically.